Commemorative plaques for Jews from Vidin fallen during the wars of 1912-1913 and 1915-1918

"The second significant event in the life of the Jewish community in Vidin, after the consecration of the synagogue in 1894, is the solemn ascension of the two marble commemorative plaques with the names of those who died in the wars (1912-13 and 1915-18) on the facade of the synagogue on November 8, 1931. The ceremony took place in the Jewish prayer house with the participation of the synagogue choir, which opened with 'Baruch Ata,' after which the Jewish priests recited the relevant psalms and prayers.

The plaques are a piece of art. In the top part there are two commandments: 'Thou shalt not kill!' and 'Thou shalt not steal!' The text reads: 'In memory of those who fell in the battles for Bulgaria during the wars of 1912-1913 and 1915-1918.' The names of the heroes are inscribed in golden letters. Each of the plaques bears 15 names of fallen Jews from Vidin, totaling 30 names.

The marble memorial plaques are preserved in their entirety and can be seen at the "Julesl Paskin" Cultural Center."